Antonia R. Sepulveda, PhD, Ralph E. Lowey Professor of Oncology, Pathology, George Washington University; Current President, AMP
Since the beginning of the pandemic, AMP has monitored and assessed the impacts to clinical practice, regulation, and reimbursement on molecular laboratories and worked to support the needs of the laboratory community in navigating the challenges. Despite the ramping up of vaccinations, the spread of variants is of concern and testing remains a key aspect of the pandemic. Continued adjustments by clinical laboratories are needed to meet ever-evolving challenges. Clinical laboratories continue their work on the front lines to monitor and respond to changing testing needs, highlighting their importance in supporting the worldwide pandemic response. Looking to the future, addressing shortfalls within testing supply chains and staffing will help to ensure all clinical laboratory testing can be performed in a timely manner in future pandemics. During this session, the AMP leaders will discuss:
- An overview of the COVID-19 pandemic to date: A laboratory perspective
- Evolving utility of testing: PCR vs. antigen vs. serology vs. whole genome sequencing
- Variant identification and reporting
- Recommendations for future pandemics