We understand that you have many choices when making your travel arrangements. Please understand that reserving your room in the CHI room block at the conference hotel allows you to take full advantage of the conference sessions, events and networking
opportunities, and ensures that our staff will be available to help should you have any issues with your accommodations.
It has come to our attention that some of our conference participants are being targeted in a hotel scam. We do not utilize any third party hotel booking services. If you are contacted by any company other than Cambridge Innovation Institute (CII) or any of CII’s divisions (including Cambridge Healthtech Institute and Cambridge EnerTech) please do not do business with them. These companies may ask for advance payment, and should you contract with
them, you may be unable to confirm, make changes or receive a refund, and reservations are often canceled without advance notice.
Discover Washington, DC!
The Capital of Free things to do! DC should be at the very top of your travel list. In total, the nation’s capital offers more than 100 free things to do.
You can find all the best things to do in DC, from concerts and cultural events to American history, free attractions and so much more. Ride the Metro or hop on a bike and explore all that the nation’s capital has to offer. Walk the halls of free
Smithsonian museums, paddle on the Potomac and Anacostia rivers or sit back on a double-decker tour bus and soak up some history. Local shops, funky marketplaces by day and nighttime gives way to great dinners
and drinks from local
For information on visiting Washington D.C. and things to do in the city, visit: Washington.org/Things-Do