Reimbursement of Companion Diagnostics: Discussions for Precision Medicine

Mana Chandhok:
Hi, everyone. Welcome to this podcast from Cambridge HealthTech Institute for the Next Generation Diagnostic Summit which runs August 15th to the 18th in Washington, D.C. I'm Mana Chandhok, an associate producer. We have with us today one of our speakers from The Companion Diagnostics Strategy & Partnerships track, Dr. Omar Perez, a Director and Diagnostics Lead at Pfizer. Dr. Perez, thank you for joining us.

Omar Perez:
Hi. I'm happy to be here.

Mana Chandhok:
What are the key commercialization challenges for precision medicine or companion diagnostics?

Omar Perez:
Well, I would say there's a number of challenges for a global company that has to commercialize products around the world. We definitely have to keep in mind all the various regulatory requirements that are region specific as well as who ends up paying for the test that ends up select the patients for our products. The challenges are vast and great and they vary by country-to-country but essentially it's how do we get the product out to market, who has to pay for it and how does it support our patient identification strategies.

Mana Chandhok:
When do you suggest the discussion between a diagnostic and a pharmaceutical company regarding co-commercialization issues should start?

Omar Perez:
I think it's definitely prudent, especially if you are already in a development effort, that you start this process very early to align expectations. There's often different sets of expectations for the pharmaceutical product versus the diagnostic product and so it's wise to start this discussion as you're getting closer to launch. Usually within the two-year time frame prior to launch. I think the two different parties should definitely start discussing what each one wants to bring to the table, what each one is expecting and align on the key metrics that will work for each other. It's definitely an ongoing development effort but I think in regards to launch plans, the company should definitely forecast at least one if not two years in advance of actually launching the product.

Mana Chandhok:
We are forward to the Summit and hope it will be productive for each participant. What do you expect to gain from the meeting as a speaker and an attendee?

Omar Perez:
Given the vast dynamics in this space, definitely be able to get updated, particularly for the diagnostic reimbursement landscape and how together as an industry we're helping to overcome hurdles for new technologies are coming forward. I guess as a contributor and also an attendee, I'm looking for my peers and colleagues input as well as to share their collective experiences so we can move the industry as a whole.

Mana Chandhok:
Dr. Perez, thank you for your time and insights today.

Omar Perez:
Thank you. Pleasure to be here.

Mana Chandhok:
That was Omar Perez of Pfizer. He'll be speaking at the Companion Diagnostics Strategy & Partnerships track at the upcoming Next Generation Diagnostic Summit taking place August 15th to the 18th in Washington, D.C. if you'd like to hear from him in person, go to for registration information and enter the key code podcast. I'm Mana Chandhok. Thank you for listening.